Functional Rehabilitation


Functional diagnostics / therapy

The basis for your well-being is the harmonious cooperation of all parts of your chewing system.

Therefore, the function of teeth, temporomandibular joints and muscle groups in the functional diagnosis are carefully checked with the latest technology.

We see it as our task to educate and sensitize the patient about his or her individual starting situation. Both facial expressions and the physiology of a patient often have something to do directly with his "personal bite": wrinkles, tension, a possible double chin, a crooked head posture, etc. are often consequential compensations for a more complex "imbalance" of the jaw-bite situation.

We translate the results of this functional analysis into an individual concept for the healing of your symptoms. It can be anything from a dental restoration or bite splint to osteopathic sessions, massages or radiation to relax the cramped muscles.
